

Glocalization: a combining of global and local aspects where a global service is adapted to suit the local need. It is the practice of conducting business according to both local and global considerations. However, as teachers it is important to recognise this aspect to transmit it to pupils and to incorporate it into the classroom. 

English as a lingua franca: English as a lingua franca (ELF) can be defined as “an additionally acquired language system which serves as a common means of communication for speakers of different first languages”. ELF is also “defined functionally by its use in intercultural communication rather than formally by its reference to native-speaker norms” whereas English as a foreign language aims at meeting native speaker norms and gives prominence to native speaker cultural aspects. It is important to take into account this concept when we talk about globalization because it is the language that we can use to communicate and to interact with people from all around the world who have different languages. 

Globalization: the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world time and space, where the whole world is interconnected and interdependent. It is “the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale”. It includes economic and financial movement (trade and transactions, capital and investment movements) but also migration and movements of people and the dissemination of knowledge, interacting and sharing opinions, ideas, products, points of view, thoughts, traditions, culture and so on. 

Communication: the exchange and the expression of information, opinions, thoughts, ideas, points of view and messages. Using communication we can send or receive messages using different ways such as oral communication (listening and speaking), writing communication (writing and reading) and body communication (gestures, faced, body position) 

Interconnected: different places of the world are connected among each other even though they are physically separated by many miles away. They are related and associated with each other, being in touch and linked in order to communicate and to share different things such as products, opinions, ideas and so on. Furthermore, countries must negotiate and to arrive to conclusions together in order to walk through the same way fighting against global issues and problems. 

Interdependent: when two or more people or things are dependent on each other. For instance, in the case of globalization, different countries of the world are dependent among each other because they need to communicate and to share different products. Each country needs the help of the other countries. 

International: when different issues, problems or aspects concern and involve two or more nations or countries that are related to different places of the world. 

Global citizen: a person who “is at home in any country”. A citizen of the world can live in any country of the planet, following, negotiating, accepting and respecting the rules and the culture of the foreign country. 


Collaboration: when two or more people work together to produce something, to develop a project in a joint way or to arrive at the same end. Collaboration means to join our strengths to carry out something and to achieve specific goals and aims. Talking about globalization, it is important that the different countries of the world work together and join their hands, in order to negotiate, arrive to conclusions and to solve global problems and issues that affect all citizens of the whole planet. 

Internalization: to incorporate, assimilate and make internal different things such as attitudes, values, cultures, traditions and knowledge through learning or socialization. It is important to interact with other people and to collaborate with them in order to internalize and to learn in a meaningful way new contents and knowledge. 

Participation: when somebody take part or become actively involved in doing something. It is very important to participate giving opinion, ideas or thoughts when we are collaborating, in order to enhance the working process. 

Cultural diversity (multiculturalism): cultural diversity appears when different cultures or ethnic groups coincide at the same time and in the same place or country. For example, we can find multiculturalism when there is a classroom formed by pupils with different nationalities and from different countries of the world. It is important to see cultural diversity as a chance of meet new people and know new cultures. 

Cultural competence: is the ability of knowing, comprehending, interpreting, appreciating, accepting, respecting and assessing different aspects from our own culture and from cultures from other countries of the world. It is the ability of working together in a collaborative way in different cultural context, accepting diversity as a chance to learn more about the world and to become a global citizen. 

Inquiry/ Enquiry: it is related to the development of an investigation where people make questions and request for information in order to achieve replies to solve a problem or to answer the questions. 

Awareness: related to the knowledge or perception of a situation or a fact. When we are in a particular situation or when we want to develop an investigation, we have to be concerned and aware of the information that we have, in order to be well-informed. 


Innovation: innovation is when we make changes in something established, introducing new methods, ideas or products. Innovation is when we want to introduce something new in order to change something with the main aim of improving one aspect. To innovate, we can plan ideas, processes and strategies to carry out a project to enrich something that we want to get better. 

Entrepreneurship: refers to the ability of a person to make an extra effort to achieve a goal or aim. It is the attitude and aptitude of the person who lets undertake new challenges, new projects, is what lets go one step further, to go beyond where it has already arrived. 

Entrepreneurial: is a person who organizes the resources at its disposal to implement a project that has been developed. 

Design: to work out the structure or form of a project, as by making a sketch, outline, pattern or plans. 

Prototype: it is a model of project that it has been already put into practice that it is taken as a model for creating new projects. 

Improvement: it is the action of getting better and enriching any aspect. We can improve one aspect making changes using new methods, ways or ideas. 


Sustainability: it is based on a simple principle: everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. 

Global footprints: they are referred to the consequences that our actions let in our world and environment. The things and the actions that we do nowadays, they will affect in our future environment and world. 

Ecosystem, environment, natural resources: it means the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal or plant lives or operates. It is the natural world where people develop their daily life. However, human activity is damaging our environment, wasting our natural resources and affecting to the natural ecosystem. 

ESD: means “Education for Sustainable Development” allows each person to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to achieve a sustainable future. It allows us to incorporate the fundamental issues of sustainable development in teaching and learning, for example, climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, poverty reduction and sustainable consumption. 

Renewable energy: are those that produce electricity from the sun, wind and water. They are inexhaustible sources but still present difficulties in storage and are less efficient because they have little power installations and the production cost is high. 


Tolerance: is the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with. Tolerance is the respect for people’s opinions, thoughts and habits, when they are different to our likes. 

Integration: bring people with different cultures or from different ethnic groups into equal participation in or membership of a social group or institution. To integrate is the action of involving everybody in one project or in one situation. Even people come from different countries of the world and they have different culture and traditions, it is important to keep together and joined, in order to collaborate, to achieve common goals and to solve global issues. Everybody must be equal. Everybody must be involved and must participate, because everybody’s opinions and point of view is important for the global development. 

Culture shock: it appears when we arrive to a new place or country where culture and traditions are different from our home country. It is a reaction to stress which is caused by the new and unfamiliar situation because we are not accommodating to the new situation. It is the emergence of tensions and feelings of discomfort resulting from having to meet the daily needs in ways that a person is not used. We cannot avoid culture shock, but we can minimize it if we are used to meet different cultures and to travel. 

Prejudice: is the prior opinion or idea that a person built on a concept or other person before acquiring direct and real knowledge about it. Normally the word prejudice is associated with a pejorative connotation. Before meeting and knowing new people, we build opinions against them, giving adjectives and making hypothesis about how they are going to behave and how they are going to be without knowing them previously. 

Stereotyping: is the preconceived formation of ideas, prejudices, attitudes, beliefs and opinions by frequent repetition by society, generally applied to a group of people with common characteristics, such as nationality, age, culture and so on. Depending on the prejudices or on the characteristics, we organized and put people into small boxes depending on what we think about them previously. 

Addition/assimilation: is the individual process of adaptation of impressions and shocks that a person has when he/she arrives to a new country that has a different culture. We start assimilating something new when we start knowing the new culture and the norms of the country. 

Accommodation: is the individual process of modifying previous ideas about a culture once some concepts have been assimilated. People start internalizing new ideas and new knowledge about culture, assimilating something new when they start interiorizing the norms and rules that form the new culture. We start assimilating when we accept why they behave like that in the new country, when we assimilate something new and when we stop using our cultural background as a reference. 

Open-minded: a person who has an open and receptive mind to new ideas, opinions, points of view, cultures and traditions. As much as we travel and we meet new things, more open-minded we are because we are used to accept and respect the new culture and rules of a new country.


Identity: refers to the stable, defining characteristics of a person that makes them an individual. It can be defined as the distinctive characteristic belonging to any given individual, or shared by all members of a particular social category or group. Having a solid sense of identity requires a thorough understanding of oneself, including one’s own traits, preferences, thought patterns, strengths and weaknesses. To know your identity you must understand both how you differ from others and how you are similar, but we also have to take into account who we are, what influences we have, how our environment influence in our identity and what aspects are important for us.

Localism: describes a range of political philosophies which prioritize the local. Generally, localism supports local production and consumption of goods, local history, local culture and local identity. Localism can be contrasted with regionalism and centralized government, with its opposite being found in the unitary state. It is when there is a preference for one’s own area or region, when our identity is very influenced by the local area where we live.

Modernization: refers to a model of an evolutionary transition from a pre-modern or traditional to a modern society. The teleology of modernization is described in social evolutionism theories, existing as a template that has been generally followed by societies that have achieved modernity. While it may theoretically be possible for some societies to make the transition in entirely different ways, there have been no counterexamples provided by reliable resources.

Diaspora: is “the movement, migration or scattering of people away from an established homeland” or “people dispersed by whatever cause to more than one location” or “people settled far from their ancestral homelands”.

Nationalism: is a belief system, creed or political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a nation. Nationalism also influences in our identity, as we can be limited to one ethnic, cultural, religious or identity group.

Ideology: it is a system of ideas and ideals that constitute one’s goals, expectations and actions. An ideology is a comprehensive vision, a way of looking at things as in several philosophical tendencies, or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society. Ideologies are systems of abstract thought applied to public matters and thus make this concept central to politics.

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