Thursday 14 March 2013


Searching on the Internet, I have found different videos and resources to teach pupils sustainability in a funny, attractive and useful way:

"What does it mean to be green?":

An interactive game about recycling. With that game we can teach our pupils where they have to throw the rubbish in order to recycle well:

A funny and ironic short video to show to the students that we do not have to waste water, because if not we are going to spend it:

Two humorous and cute characters (Pitin and Pitina) that show to the pupils with these two videos how to take care of the environment following different steps and actions, and the meaning of recycling and how to do that, respectively.

Take care of the environment:



Two videos that I would like to post in this blog to bear in mind when I would teach tolerance to my future pupils.

Two videos to thinnk about and reflect on tolerance and respect among the others. They show that we do not have to judge people without knowing them and that we have to be tolerant and open-minded with the differences that we have with other people, seeing that differences as a synonym of enriching our personal development and culture.

“Por cuatro esquinitas de nada”:

Do not judge without knowing:

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