Thursday 14 March 2013


Searching on the Internet, I have found different videos and resources to teach pupils sustainability in a funny, attractive and useful way:

"What does it mean to be green?":

An interactive game about recycling. With that game we can teach our pupils where they have to throw the rubbish in order to recycle well:

A funny and ironic short video to show to the students that we do not have to waste water, because if not we are going to spend it:

Two humorous and cute characters (Pitin and Pitina) that show to the pupils with these two videos how to take care of the environment following different steps and actions, and the meaning of recycling and how to do that, respectively.

Take care of the environment:



Two videos that I would like to post in this blog to bear in mind when I would teach tolerance to my future pupils.

Two videos to thinnk about and reflect on tolerance and respect among the others. They show that we do not have to judge people without knowing them and that we have to be tolerant and open-minded with the differences that we have with other people, seeing that differences as a synonym of enriching our personal development and culture.

“Por cuatro esquinitas de nada”:

Do not judge without knowing:

Wednesday 13 March 2013


At least, I could upload to my blog the picture about the product (a poster) that we carried out in one activity of globalization' session. As you could remember, the activity was about representing and symbolizing with words and drawings how globalization means for us. In our poster it appears words like knowledge, acceptance and tolerance, because, among others, we thought that they were the best words to represent globalization. Here you have the picture:

On the other hand, I would like to leave a video that I have found and that, in my opinion, it is very interesting. The video teaches globalization through different foods, as it shows how a child can eat different food from different places of the world during the whole day. I think that it is a funny way to show to our pupils what one of the consequence and aspect of globalization is. I hope you enjoy it:

Tuesday 12 March 2013


General Aim
The general aim of that module is: “to develop more profound knowledge, awareness and understanding of new challenges to educational professionals as a consequence of globalization”.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, participants will:
  • ·         Have increased personal intercultural competence.
  • ·    Be able to reflect on globalisation processes and their professional challenges to teachers.
  • ·     Know a selection of methods and resources available to teachers for meeting challenges of globalisation.

Content – Focus on global challenges

In this last section, we can find the global challenges in which we are going to reflect during this subject. That’s why during the growth of my personal blog I am going to reflect on how we, as teachers, can face challenges such as globalization, tolerance, identity, collaboration, sustainability, tolerance or innovation.

Challenge 1: How does globalization challenge us as professionals in education?

Challenge 2: How do we cope with cultural dilemmas in an increasingly globalized world?

Challenge 3: What tools can we use to improve an open mind in the cultural meeting?

Challenge 4: How to learn from each other in education (focus on exchange, cooperation and inspiration)?

Challenge 5: How to educate for sustainable development in a globalized world?

Challenge 6: How to go global in schools and learning environments for children and youth today?

Challenge 7: How does being a global citizen influence my professional behaviour?